About the Journal

Scope of the journal

Journal of Marlowe Studies publishes peer-reviewed essays on the poems and plays of Christopher Marlowe with the support of both the Marlowe Society (which is based in the UK) and the Marlowe Society of America. We do not accept essays on the so-called authorship question but we welcome scholarly exploration of Marlowe’s works, reviews of relevant books, and reviews of productions of Marlowe’s plays from anywhere in the world. We are also happy to entertain suggestions for guest-edited issues, and will consider film reviews if the question arises.

All submissions based on original research, whether in a standard issue or guest-edited special issue, are subject to double-blind peer review by at least two experts in the relevant field.

Open Access and copyright policy

No charge is made for access to the journal.

No charge is made to publish in the journal.

From issue 3 articles are published under the CC-BY licence unless otherwise indicated. This licence permits the sharing and re-use of articles as long as appropriate attribution is included.

Articles in issues 1-2 were published under the CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Authors retain the copyright for their work.

Privacy policy

Please see https://www.shu.ac.uk/about-this-website/privacy-policy for full details of the University's privacy policy.