Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): FinTech and AI in Finance

The FinTech and AI in Finance (FinTAF) conference was hosted by the Department of Finance Accounting and Business Systems (FABS), part of the Business Technology and Engineering Faculty at Sheffield Hallam University. For more information about the Department of Finance, Accounting and Business systems please visit the department's website at: https://www.shu.ac.uk/about-us/academic-departments/finance-accounting-and-business-systems

The conference aimed to explore current developments within the FinTech industry and assess the key issues faced. The role played by artificial intelligence within FinTech development and its effect on key stakeholders i.e. investors' decisions, financial services and global markets. We are also keen to explore empirically and theoretically the legal and regulatory implications of the FinTech industry and how it interfaces with the banking industry, asset servicing, capital markets and investment management (e.g. wealth management etc.).

Keynote Speakers:

  • Valerio Poti (University College Dublin)

Professor of Finance

Research projects on FinTech and Financial Data Science.

Founding editor of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Digital Finance (Springer, https://www.springer.com/journal/42521)

  • Bonnie Buchanan (University of Surrey)

Professor of Finance

Head of Department

Research expertise in FinTech, AI in financial services, securitization, CSR and law and finance

FinTAF will publish double-blind peer-reviewed papers from the FinTech and AI in Finance Conference.

The Conference contributes to the following academic and professional practice themes:

  • Ethical and Sustainability issues in FinTech and AI
  • Impact of CoVid on the rise and fall of FinTech
  • Cryptocurrency, Central Bank Digital currency, and Meme coins
  • Algorithmic Trading
  • Fintech and AI applications to Behavioural finance'
  • RegTech and likely future direction
  • Developments within Non-fungible tokens (NFT)

All articles published in FinTAF will be open access, using the Creative Commons Attribution licence. This will enable as wide a distribution as possible of the work, whilst allowing authors to retain copyright and so enable them to use their work as they wish.


Published: 2023-11-30